Monday, 8 September 2014

Eleven Random Things

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I knowwwww I haven't posted in absolutely FOREVER and I deserve all blame. I went on Christmas vacation and came back and never got around to starting back my blogging. But that is going to change!

I thought I'd start off with a blog game I saw recently (Thanks Detoxinista!) where I post 11 random things about myself and then answer 11 other random questions

SO here are 11 Random Things about me:

1. I'm only 5 ft 8.5 inches, but people think I'm taller cuz 'm skinny.

2. I cannot STAND the word "bakes" it edges my teeth and prickles my skin.

3. I don't like to let cars filter in when I'm in traffic, Yes I'm an aggressive driver and a road hog.

4. I have very little patience with slow people. (Does that make me a bad person?)

5. I detest having to explain things to people more than once. It drives me INSANE.

6. I am a grammar NAZI. I have unfollowed  and hidden people from my newsfeed people because of spelling and grammatical errors in their posts.

7. I am a super klutz and somehow manage to cut my hands frequently and not know how said injury came to be there.

8. I follow the SCDiet and don't eat snacks because I have zero self control. If I start, I won't be able to stop.

9. I'm a control freak. I like to know exact dates, places and times and trajectories. I'm always planing something cause I hate uncertainty. Which is hilarious considering I'm self employed.

10. I once ate ice cream topped with salt prunes.

11. I used to be a Brownie.

AAaaaaaaaaaaaand the 11 random questions....

  1. What’s the meal you eat most often?
I eat pretty much the same thing everyday actually. My diet is rather limited at this time, so it goes like this:
Ground provision (root vegetables, for y'all non Caribbean people) some steamed greens or veggies (usually patchoi, green beans or carrots/squash) and some kind of baked or grilled meat. I'm slowly reintroducing other foods.

2. What’s your favorite movie of all time?

3. What made you want to start a blog?

Wanted to get my thoughts and feelings 'out there' and a forum to chronicle my health and life journey and also to reflect on things that have happened to me.

4. Do you have any pets?

No, I killed him. RIP Charlie the parakeet (shut up Cameron!)

5. What’s your favorite workout?

I need to start back, as I totally fell off the wagon and rolled away. 
But I like squats; they make my butt look bigger :)

6. Name one thing on your “bucket list.”

Touring Europe

7.Name one “weird” thing that you do.

When I walk up a flight of stairs, I always start counting them.

8. Your favorite city/place to visit?

Barbados :)

9.Anywhere you still dream of visiting?

France and Italy

10. Best purchase you’ve ever made?


11.What’s the one thing you would change in the world, if you could?


Tag! You're it!



Two of my sisters and I at  the launch of a  new treatment line by Soft-Sheen Carson.

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